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End-of-Course Exam

[ 2 hours in length ]

This part of exam is worth 60% of your AP CS Principle score.

There are two types of languages you will see on the exam: 

   1. block 

   2. text

Topics on the exam

i. topics on the exam



Data & Information




The Internet




Global Impact


Programming languages

the only way to pass this exam is to practice. Work on different examples as much as you can.

Because AP Computer Science Principle doesn't have a united language and students can choose any language they want to learn, when you take your exam, you will get an Exam Reference Sheet. It was designed to give all test takers a common reference to their language. 

The Reference Sheet is organized by the following categories: 

  1. Assignment, Display, and Input 

  2. Arithmetic Operators and Numeric Procedures

  3. Relational and Boolean Operators 

  4. Selection

  5. Iteration

  6. List Operations

  7. Procedures 

  8. Robot

You should be familiar with most, if not all, of these categories no matter which language or environment you choose for this course. 

Survival tips for the exam


Answer all related questions together

Do not skip over these related questions. Once you invest the time reading the prompt, skipping questions will mean you have to reread the prompt later, which will take away time from answering other questions.

Use the process of elimination

Use your subject knowledge to cross out as many wrong answer choices as possible. Get rid of them!

Be ready to apply your skills and understanding

The questions are about applying what you know about these details to show your understanding and that you have practiced the necessary skills

Watch your time!

Making an educated guess if you have trouble with a question. If you finish your exam early, review your responses. If there are questions you don't know the answers, make your best guess.

Answer all questions

Point are not deducted for incorrect answers or unanswered questions.

Circle the keyword in a question

You will miss it if you read the problem too fast. Be sure to focus on the logic of the question.

Pay attention to your bubble sheet

If you lose your place and put the answer for question 4 in the bubble for question 5, it will throw off your entire answer sheet and thus your score!

Think of your answer first

Read the question and think of your answer first, before you read the answer choices given. This can help you select the best choices, rather than falling into distracting traps by wrong answer choices. 

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